Torquay Dating

We currently have 953 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Torquay.

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70, Male, Torquay

Nice to internetly meet you all. I am a fun loving person, even able to laugh at myself when I mess up. I am very kind and caring and absolutely empathetic. Tremendous…
35, Male, Torquay

Hi I’m john Paul. I’m an Irish guy who travels to England for work on occasions. I’m seeking a girl to connect with. I’m easy going, tall and not that old lol I hope to chat
45, Male, Torquay

I Don’t want to waste anyone’s time so I will be honest and straight and say that I am here to find someone who knows how to satisfy a man and who is up for some…
63, Male, Torquay

Hi I’m a very pretty Great Dane, and I’m looking for a companion for my human. He is very kind and caring he also gives great hugs and belly rubs. He’s also not…
47, Male, Torquay

Hi I’m Craig single live on my own. I have a mild disability called cerebral plasy but please don’t let this put you of me. My family and friends are important…
54, Female, Torquay

I described myself loyal ,genuine and caring. I love to look after myself most of the time and I care about humanity because I so much love to support and spread love to the worlds .
38, Female, Torquay

I’m 37 im a bigger girl i am classed disabled as I can walk but not far I have no teeth due to past relationship so now I don’t take any crap I don’t do 1 night…
45, Female, Torquay

Hi I’m a 43 mother of 3 grown ups ..I’m an easy going active working woman.i enjoy outdoor activities paddleboarding..swimming walking ..looking for new people .
50, Female, Torquay

Hiya, I’m a young at heart 46 ( soon to be 47) 😱year old who loves the great outdoors!
I have a 14 year old son who has high functioning autism, this seems…
49, Female, Torquay

I am happy go lucky gal always smiling, I am loyal honest reliable I dont cheat and want to find someone that has the same morals as me!! What you see is what you…

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