Dorchester Dating

We currently have 617 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Dorchester.

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47, Male, Dorchester

Are the people on here real, or just fake profiles???
Does anyone actually read these, or just look at the photo, if there is one and move on, I will put a profile…
59, Female, Dorchester

I’m 5ft 8ins and a bit podgy!
I enjoy swimming, walking, reading and talking.
My house has to have music.
Work hard and love the great outdoors.
It feels like I’m writing a CV!
77, Male, Dorchester

Hello.I was born 1947 and am a retired hospital worker,a widower since 2013.Own house,car,teeth and some hair.Im solvent active and like music(most kinds)historyand…
52, Male, Dorchester

Thanks for taking the time to read my profile, I believe in old fashioned standards in a modern way, respect and honour go a long way, I do try to be a gentleman…
87, Male, Dorchester

an ex military guy, (but not crusty old major type) ,have been around and collected a few t shirts,etc
willing to try anything once .reasonably fit, and still…
60, Male, Dorchester

Just a down-to-earth solvent dude, looking for a dudette to share life’s ups and downs.
I’m an independent person who doesn’t need anyone but would love to share…
80, Female, Dorchester

I worked in the NHS for many years Been retired for a while now .I feel I’m in a rut and would like to meet others who feel the same .Days out and short breaks would be nice.
64, Female, Dorchester

I’m an interesting mixture of many things, and different from others you might meet. I’m direct and honest with a good, slightly quirky and irreverent sense of…
62, Female, Dorchester

Hi my name is Mary i am 58 Divorced live alone.. looking for long lasting rest of my life soulmate/partner. i dont do one night stands, looking for commitment not…
63, Female, Dorchester

I am a happy, irreverent type who loves chatting, long rambles, large dogs, talking about anything, music, cooking and good food, wine the theatre. If you are looking…

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