Sutton Dating

We currently have 538 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Sutton.

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59, Male, Sutton

I can’t really tell you what I am like.i don’t judge people I just take people as I meet them.i find that’s the best way to know people. It’s as simple as that for me.
60, Male, Sutton

Hello girls! My name is Tam and I live in Surrey. I am a down-to-earth, non-materialistic man who loves the simple things in life. I believe that life is way too…
44, Female, Sutton

Hi I’m very new to being single first time in a really long time. I’m fairly easy going and laid-back….
Just looking for someone who will treat me well keep…
57, Male, Sutton

I am reliable I am flexible I am driven I am outgoing I am a persevering person also I am your typical Passionate guy and slightly curious type of guy my friends…
47, Female, Sutton

I would like to meet that someone special, if your out there?!
I’m not a skinny girl, if your not in to that then I’m not for you! I enjoy cosy nights in watching…
66, Female, Sutton

I am in a quandary! I am married but for me it has been over for many years! I want a divorce and will get one after covid so am looking for my future! Is it you?
57, Male, Sutton

Kind caring honest loving good listener and I am quite a romantic person
Like my music like going out like to socialize and meet up with my friends. I will admit…
49, Male, Sutton

My name is Aidan, I have been single now for 4 years. I am easy going and try to find the funny side of life. Its been said that I have a good sense of humour…
62, Female, Sutton

I am an honest and sincere person, looking for the same. I have been on other sites met men online and been catfished. I have been asked to send money and help…
50, Female, Sutton

Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I’m 45 years old. Looking for a long term relationship with someone who is kind and the one for me. Looks are not what I’m interested…

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