Southend on Sea Dating

We currently have 1903 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Southend on Sea.

Join Now and get in touch with them via Completely Free Dating.

49, Male, Southend on Sea

Please be within 20 miles (ish) of Basildon, Essex, I’m not looking for a long distance relationship.
Single a long time now, looking for someone with simular…
43, Male, Southend on Sea

Outgoing and loves a good laugh/sense of humour, loves a good movie and can’t live without music, I absolutely love anything to do with animals domestic and wildlife…
66, Male, Southend on Sea

Hi I’m Terry,I’m a sensual romantic guy I’ve been on my own for 3 years now so I think time to try again, I love DIY and gardening love the beach love holding hands…
48, Female, Southend on Sea

Fun loving female looking for Mr right for cozy nights on sofa and dating my kids are my world but want something for me I’ve only been single for just over a year…
73, Female, Southend on Sea

Hi there mature lady here looking for the same age as myself no 50 year olds? Searching for a silver fox with some life left in him? As for me I am 5 ft 7 inch…
73, Male, Southend on Sea

Animal loving vegetarian
Often in the gym
Like to cook
Enjoy travel, meeting new people
Open book, totally honest speaking
Romantic and sensual
Looking to meet a nice lady with similar interests
57, Male, Southend on Sea

Hi Thanks for looking at my profile.
Most importantly for me: I’m just looking for my new lifelong best friend, my soulmate to enjoy life with
Other emotions…
34, Female, Southend on Sea

I’m looking for someone who is serious about finding a partner for life. I’m not perfect but I’m perfectly honest about what I’m looking for. I want someone who’s…
42, Female, Southend on Sea

Would love to meet a nice genuine guy who can treat me right. Want to get to know me and not want just one thing.
I’m happy to get to know you so please message me..
Ask me my interests etc…
51, Female, Southend on Sea

Hi I’m sue been single for 9 years never been married I have 1 son 30 he lives with me I love meals out days out bowling pictures seaside places when I can go to…

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