Slough Dating

We currently have 992 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Slough.

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27, Male, Slough

Pretty much the Superman of IT (the glasses should have been a giveaway).
When I’m not crisis fixing at work, you’ll find me:
In the gym,
24, Male, Slough

The one thing that I love is bbw- gaining weight. It brings me with joy. ( boobs,belly,arms,bum bigger ) as long as my partner gains weight on a regular basis feel…
45, Male, Slough

Hi there! I’m a straightforward person who values honesty, loyalty, and a good laugh. I’ve got a knack for adventure, whether it’s travelling to new places, exploring…
73, Female, Slough

I am about 5ft 5ins I have blonde hair .I look young for my age .
I am lucky to have plenty of energy and I like to get out and about .
I have been widowed a…
44, Male, Slough

Enjoy exploring forgotten ponds, getting off the track and finding somewhere nobody knows, lift weights, martial arts but more the kicking arts, fascinated with…
62, Male, Slough

I’ve been on my own for 8 years and although I have a busy life with job I enjoy and good family and friends I miss having a partner. I’m young at heart but serious…
68, Female, Slough

I am hard of hearing/deaf from birth with slight speech impediment, but can communicate and I lipread. Please do not let this puts you off. I am looking for…
43, Female, Slough

I am friendly, caring and loving and am looking to meet genuine people who are similar to myself. I’m enjoy reading, music, theatre and spending time with my family.
66, Female, Slough

I’m British Born with Full Caymanian Status – BUT – I did NOT get my Cayman status by marriage. I prefer a sagacious gentleman to a salacious one – although that…
63, Female, Slough

I would consider myself a nice kind loyal person who is a good listener and enjoys the finer things in life, Nice restaurants, sunshine holidays ect, looking for…

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