Canterbury Dating

We currently have 1701 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Canterbury.

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85, Male, Canterbury

I have a wide taste in music from, classical, country and western, and jazz, modern and trad, and love going to hear live music. And like a lot of people I walk…
55, Female, Canterbury

Hi, I am a single, very proud mum of three girls that rock my world. However its now time to start looking for a partner for me as they are getting older and don’t…
55, Male, Canterbury

I’m looking for someone who likes dining out wants to have a little fun likes travelling and enjoys nights in and nights out , walks along the beach ( weather…
48, Male, Canterbury

Not quite sure what i’m looking for so starting with a chat then friendship would be a good start.
If you have any questions then ask away as there are no off limit subjects.
75, Male, Canterbury

Really quite normal despite the bike riding. Love living by the sea. I am pretty fit, still cycle but playing sport days far behind me.
Looking for friendship first.
45, Male, Canterbury

I have been living in Japan long term and recently moved back to Herne Bay for a while.
I honestly don’t know how long I will be staying in Kent so I’d appreciate…
52, Female, Canterbury

I don’t beat around bush If like me come.
Chat .
I’m.not skiiny person in fabulous curvy .
So looking for some who like me for me and want get long .
52, Female, Canterbury

I do not beat about bush
If like chat.
If after one nite stand in any kind fun .im not your girl .
I’m.looking for partner in crime. Laugher. Chats movie nites .
44, Female, Canterbury

Curvy blonde looking for best friend and soulmate for life long memories and fun times. I am affectionate, kind, gsoh, loyal, honest, love food ( including steak)…
55, Female, Canterbury

i’m blunt and sarcastic qwirky and careing , live in countryside with my rescue dog . like getting tats. Am very close to my daughter and baby grandson.
i have…

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