1. Add a photo…
Always upload a photo of yourself, it is essential. Make sure the photo is good quality.
2. Headshot…
Try to make the photo a head shot and don’t include anyone else in the picture.
3. Unique headline…
Make your headline eye-catching and unique.
4. Interesting…
Brainstorm things you’d like to share and choose the ones you think will interest people the most and write about them in detail.
5. Don’t make others work…
Do not just write something such as “Ask me anything…”
6. Be positive…
Do not start out negative such as “I feel strange writing about myself…” Be positive.
7. Avoid lists…
Do not just write long lists of things you do and don’t like. Be more creative and talk about yourself.
8. Interests…
Pick one or two things that you do or are interested in and write about them in detail.
9. Don’t brag…
Don’t brag or sound like an arrogant know-it-all.
10. Difference…
Tell people about something that makes you different, so if you go skiing or white water rafting put it in your profile and tell people about it.