1. Prepare yourself…
Before you even plan a date or register with an online dating website, you need to get yourself prepared for dating by getting in the right frame of mind. You need to be willing to commit to dating and not do it half-heartedly. You must be prepared for a letdown but most importantly you must try not to take dating too seriously.
2. Look good…
It will help if you take steps to make yourself look your best, for example, join a gym or get a haircut. By making yourself look your best you will come across as being more confident and feel great. Even if you are just planning on chatting to people on a dating website, if you feel great then your positive attitude will come across in the way you write your messages.
3. New clothes…
Going shopping for new clothes or a new look can help you feel positive about dating. The more positive you are, the more attractive you will appear to other people. Whether you are looking for new clothes, a new look or clothes for a date, then why not take a friend or family member along with you to help you choose. It often helps to have another person’s opinion, especially if they are honest with you. For some first date appearance tips look at our articles on what to wear on a first date and what clothes to wear on a first date.
4. Your aims…
It helps some people to think about dating aims. Are you looking for fun, dating, marriage, sex, long-term or short-term relationships? It may help to have a timescale in your head. You may wish to date people for a while then a year down the line look for a more serious relationship. If you are looking for a serious relationship but you choose to date someone who only wants a casual fun relationship, then you are putting yourself at risk of getting hurt.
5. Be realistic…
Try to be sensible and realistic about the type of person you choose to date. If you are looking to date a glamorous model, then be prepared to be disappointed. Try to look at the whole package and not just go by appearance. Someone’s appearance does give an initial first impression, but you need more than just looks for a successful relationship.
6. Location location location…
If you are planning on finding a date in person, then you need to look at where you are likely to meet people in your area. You could look at taking up a new hobby and joining a club. They only way you will meet people is if you get out there and look, you won’t find a date by sitting indoors unless you choose to look at online dating websites.
7. No sex, please…
It is advised not to sleep with someone too early in a relationship. It could give out the wrong impression about you. Also, people like a bit of mystery and the chase, so by not sleeping with someone too early you are giving your relationship a chance to develop and time for your emotions to grow.
8. Letdowns…
It is important that you are prepared for letdowns. It is possible that not every person you ask out will accept. You need to look at it from another point of view, would you go on a date with every single person that asks you out? However many times you may be let down, don’t give up.
9. Take a break…
If you have been on a number of dates and it’s not going well for you, then it may help to have a little break from the dating scene occasionally. It will help to recharge your batteries and get you in the right frame of mind for dating again.
10. Enjoy yourself…
Most importantly remember to enjoy dating. You may find yourself making some very good friends along the way.