Cardiff Dating

We currently have 2954 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Cardiff.

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68, Male, Cardiff

Had working , just can’t get up in the morning and have no motivation. Honest to the core, loyal and trustworthy always. Looking for a relationship with a woman who wants to share life
44, Male, Cardiff

I honestly don’t know what to write so going to keep it brief…..
I’m a dad of two young children looking for some friendship and someone to spend free time with…
66, Male, Cardiff

What an absolutely waste of time on this site
Out of over a 100 likes 3 replies all ghosting after two or three texts many wanting toyboy so it should be renamed…
56, Male, Cardiff

I’m looking for something not to serious and to see where it goes. I’m a faithful honest person and work hard I’m not here to mess around either just want to enjoy life
39, Male, Cardiff

Hi Guys!
I’m Stuart, also known as "The Queerest One!"
I get that my profile has a lot on it, but if you bother to give it a quick read, you’ll find that…
51, Female, Cardiff

My name is sue,how do U do..😊
I enjoy long country walks and beach walks
Also I like going swimming and reading books.
I’m quite quiet at first until I…
56, Female, Cardiff

I hold close the traditional values of family, respect, and loyalty that are intrinsic to my cultural heritage. Professionally, I am a Kinesiologist, a role that…
74, Female, Cardiff

Intelligent easy going lady with good sense of humour seeks similar gentleman who lives nearby for conpanionship/relationship. Definetely not looking for marriage.
51, Female, Cardiff

Hi I’m Maddie I enjoy nice walks, just sitting on the beach watching the world go by with nice glass of wine in hand likes a bit if banta and a sucker for tattoos…
57, Female, Cardiff

Hi my name is Catherine I am 56 years old with short blonde hair, I am 5ft 5ins green sparkly eyes. I am a great listener.
A very caring honest passionate person.

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