Bath Dating

We currently have 1226 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Bath.

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48, Male, Bath

My description for my profile is most likely going to be similar to many others who list the positive attributes one possesses when trying to attract a potential…
44, Male, Bath

I am a single Dad of three adorable kids. I restart my life from the underground back again. I am a business owner and a very busy person. I aim to find a Woman…
60, Male, Bath

Hard working honest and loyal enjoys the country. Days out Holidays home and away. Evenings out or snuggled up watching a film Very easy going
71, Male, Bath

Hello im Paul and I love life.
I’m very easy to get along with and I love having fun and I think in this world you need a sense of humour.
I’m confident, caring…
81, Male, Bath

I am an older man but I really don’t feel it and I’m told I don’t look it. I have a sense of humour and I’m afraid I am quite tactile! I would like to meet a lady…
48, Female, Bath

I am a nature loving, book hoarding, country girl for whom my dogs are family. I love a quiet life – in nature hiking and camping, or at home entertaining, or…
67, Female, Bath

Caring, genuine woman, loves music, country pubs, eating fish and chips by the sea, spending summer evenings sitting outside putting the world to rights. Love spending…
47, Female, Bath

I am me , I am looking to spend time with someone to make memories with , I love to travel and explore new places , I like to go for meals or just stay in and watch…
43, Female, Bath

I’m very out going, love to chat laugh sing dance but do love my own company too because I love that I agree with myself a lot and everything that’s said is so…
52, Female, Bath

Ok well here we go, I am quite a romantic,kind loving person,i don’t judge .Although I do have a dry sence of humour, which can get me into trouble lol. Don’t really…

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