Watford Dating

We currently have 721 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Watford.

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47, Male, Watford

Someone once said that it’s not a good idea to give too much away about yourself early on. It’s better to be a little vague and mysterious. This way, it maintains…
41, Female, Watford

Well I’ve no idea what I’m doing here. Never been very good at this so I guess if you want to know-ask. The worst I can do is decline to answer.
I am not a very…
54, Male, Watford

Rugged and a bit rough round the edges but kind. I have a few unusual hobbies comprising of breeding tropical moths and fish although the fish seem to do things…
54, Male, Watford

A free dating website! What’s not to love!
I’m on here for the same reason as most people: to find my ‘better half’.
I’m drama-free, rational to a fault, I like…
60, Male, Watford

Hi my name is Des I’m a traditional 58 year old with a romantic Soft heart I’m looking for that someone special to share fun times whether if be a candle lite dinner…
58, Male, Watford

Hi I’m Gary I’m six foot short dark hair blue eyes athletic build used to be a kick boxer so in good shape still look after myself.in honest and good natured looking…
43, Female, Watford

I opened my wardrobe and realised I never get to wear my fancy dresses.would be great if someone would give a reason to it. I am well educated well traveled. I…
38, Female, Watford

Hi I’m a 36 year old woman who is curvy, looking 4 someone who can make me feel special and most importantly to laugh. So far I have been unlucky in love and have…
68, Female, Watford

My other half’s retired and works from home these days so meet-ups are a little tricky, but never say never as he does go away on the odd golfing weekend 😉
42, Female, Watford

I havent tried this before but i am an in for a penny type and have an open mind. I am pretty normal, i enjoy wine, nice food, movies and prefer a cosy night in…

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