Hemel Hempstead Dating

We currently have 1259 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Hemel Hempstead.

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18, Male, Hemel Hempstead

Adventurous soul and proud wheelchair user. I love exploring new places, whether it’s a cool café or a scenic spot in the city. Also a foodie, movie buff, and rock music enthusiast.
61, Male, Hemel Hempstead

Kind, respectful, gentle gent looking for the right lady to spend time with. If the sparks fly then great, if not a nice friendship, perhaps. Love my rugby but…
54, Male, Hemel Hempstead

Recently divorced and looking to actually meet someone in person and enjoy getting to know each other properly! And then see where things go from there! Whether…
52, Male, Hemel Hempstead

I’m a fairly normal 52 year old guy, I have old fashioned values, so I will hold a door open first, I like bands and pubs and I like munchies and movies, if you want to know more why not ask!
31, Male, Hemel Hempstead

hello don’t know what to write because i’m not sure if anyone even reads it but i’m single young fresh and up for a good time either for long time or short time that’s up to you x
59, Female, Hemel Hempstead

Hi Everyone
My name is Maggie. Divorced now looking to start the next chapter of my life.
I am good company, chatty and easy to talk to. Please come and say 🤞
67, Female, Hemel Hempstead

Hello. I’ve been alone long enough. I’m retired and hoping to find a man to share my life from now on.
He will be over 60 and live within 20 miles of Marlow to…
59, Female, Hemel Hempstead

Hello, I like the countryside, wildlife and seaside resorts, although I prefer the quieter sea fronts. I work as a receptionist in a tanning salon. I have two children…
57, Female, Hemel Hempstead

I’m an outgoing lady who loves gardening, Going to the gym on the weekend , i like dancing, cooking getting out on a beach holiday and meeting new people. I probably…
69, Female, Hemel Hempstead

I am an outdoors sort of gal… I love in my old motorhome cos my mum needs my support. I am looking for friendship first then allowing what comes natural.
I like…

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