Guildford Dating

We currently have 1861 singles on our free dating site looking for a date in Guildford.

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66, Male, Guildford

I am very romantic man, loyal and sincere. I have a good heart, very kind and good person . My personality is hard working, quiet, stable, introspective, calm…
50, Male, Guildford

I practice healthy living, have logic but also a fun and cheeky side. Can be shy, but not usually for long.
I don’t have children or pets, but do love animals…
54, Male, Guildford

On my own again was it somthing I said
I am a busy active person a Vegan with a good job my own hair and teeth and good health
I don’t have a lot of free time…
66, Male, Guildford

im a normal man looking for an open relationship been married done that never again and like my own space !
i spend 3 months at a time in the uk and then 3 months…
49, Male, Guildford

Keeping this short for now. Loads of interests and hobbies, talking point. Love to travel, love driving. Been single too long now, out of a stressful job after…
64, Female, Guildford

Hi Guys, I am looking for Friendship & a long term relationship. I like reading, music, cafes/restaurants, gardening & going for walks in the countryside or seaside….
40, Female, Guildford

I’m a soft hearted person who wears her heart on her sleeve. Im a mum of a 4 yo old boy that is my life! I like to have a laugh and be a weirdo sometimes 🤪 also…
52, Female, Guildford

Hi! I’m slim and fit. Enjoy riding my horse and walking my dog. Recently separated, looking for friendship initially. I have two daughters who are wonderful! I’m…
68, Female, Guildford

Hi hope you are well.
I’m a very down to earth non materialistic type of person. I don’t watch a lot of tv……only documentaries mainly. I love the coasts and love…
57, Female, Guildford

Hi, I’m Val. I’m 55 yet going on 35 I’m told! I’m shy to start but love someone with banter and a good sense of humour. I am looking for friendship, definitely…

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